Pirates tides of fortune captains quarters upgrade
Pirates tides of fortune captains quarters upgrade

pirates tides of fortune captains quarters upgrade pirates tides of fortune captains quarters upgrade

The more your Galleons can carry, fewer Galleons are required to make your desired transactions. You can upgrade the capacity of your Galleons by building and upgrading the House o' Navigation (max. Required Discoveries and Buildings : Trade Select a place in your Haven and start building. Also, while some players are plenty of hours away, by browsing the offer pages you may find a closer mate, so you might make your deal within minutes! Discover Trade to unlock the Market. Keep in mind, every trade transaction you conduct with other Havens will temporarily use at least one Galleon until the transaction is completed. You will need these Galleons to transport Resources and Sketches to other Havens. level 20) to increase the number of Galleons available for trade. The Market allows you to exchange Resources and Sketches with other Havens. Choose a place inside your Haven and start building.

pirates tides of fortune captains quarters upgrade

Open the «Command» tab and select the Brethren Court. You can increase the number of Accords you can enter into at a given time by upgrading the Brethren Court (max level 5). You can make offer terms of parley, form or terminate Accords, get new Shipmates, and invite Friends. Choose a place in your Haven and start building.īuild the Brethren Court to conduct diplomacy. Open the «Command» tab and select the Observatory. Upgrade the Observatory to speed up the rate of your research (max.

pirates tides of fortune captains quarters upgrade

The Observatory also unlocks the «Workshop» function for tracking and planning your Discovery progress. The Observatory is where you research new Discoveries and improve your mastery of old ones. The Captain's Quarters is already built when you start the game, so it won't appear on any construction menus. level 20) reduces the construction time for all buildings in the game. From here you can rename your Haven and track your development statistics. Your Captain's Quarters are where you administer all the day-to-day functions of your Haven and its populace.

Pirates tides of fortune captains quarters upgrade